- WVPA Council Representative assembled a panel to discuss differing aspects of the Hoffman Report and the ethical issues it covered.
- Dr. John Linton shared the historical perspective on the issues from the viewpoint of his two terms on APA Council.
- Other panelists included Drs. Jack Berkley and Patrick Kerr. One audience member commented, “Nice panel discussion!,” and the overall session received a rating of 4.15 on a 5.0 scale.
- In a change from recent years, the Spring Event included a student poster session, with prizes provided by Clayman & Associates.
- Conference participants took advantage of the poster session to visit with student presenters and learn about their research efforts.
- Conference attendees were treated to posters on a variety of research topics.
- Our student presenters, all from Marshall University, are shown here. From left, WVPA President-elect Dr. Keith Beard, Christina Johnson, Jessica Elliott, Savanna Tickle, Heather Fry, Briana McCoy and WVPA President Dr. Jeff Boggess.
- Our top three presenters received cash prizes, sponsored by Clayman & Associates. From left are WVPA President-elect Beard, first place recipient Jessica Elliott, second place recipient Heather Fry, thir place recipient Savanna Tickle and WVPA President Boggess.
- Following the conclusion of the morning ethics session, conference participants enjoyed a lovely buffet luncheon.
- WVPA members and guests, alike, enjoyed the healthy lunch options and the terrific cookies and brownies for dessert!
- Marshall University’s Raquel Munoz and other Marshall graduate students enjoyed a break at lunch.
- Drs. Billy Rutherford, Paul Chevalier and Matthew Kellar visited in the foreground, while faculty from Marshall University and Glenville State University compared notes at the other end of the table.
- Briana McElfish and John Linton took time to catch up during lunch.
- From left, Stephanie Ford, Ron Pearse, Barbara Romfo and Bill Brezinski enjoyed spending time together over a good meal.
- The crew from Wheeling’s Northwood Health Systems discussed the morning’s session. Shown from left are Andrea Lefebvre, Michael Morreale, Ronald Rielly and Perry Stanley.
- Dr. Jeff Hammond, president of the WV Board of Examiners of Psychologists, opened the afternoon session on supervision.
- The afternoon session on supervision featured a panel of presenters. One audience member commented, “Great presentation. The panel was a really good way to present this information.”
- The supervision session, presented by two members of the board and one staff members, plus others, drew this comment, “Loved this session!. Drs. Hammond and Harlow both gave informative, thought-provoking presentations. Loved having the Board present. Great for people to get to interact with them and ask questions. Nice to meet them as “real people.” Panel discussion was really helpful, too.” The overall session was rated 4.52 on a 5.0 scale.
- The afternoon break allowed time to visit with new friends and old, including Stephanie Kelly and Marty Amerikaner.
- Long-time WVPA members John Linton and Steve Cody found time to visit and share experiences.
- The afternoon break gave everyone one last chance to network and make new connections.
- We’d like to thank The Trust for sponsoring the WV Psychological Association 2016 Spring Event!